We have conquered our enemies
Nin hokeh bi-kheh a-na-ih-la
All over the world
Ta-al-tso-go na-he-seel-kai
On land and on sea
Nih-bi-kah-gi do tah kah-gi
Everywhere we fight
Ta-al-tso-go en-da-de-pah
True and loyal to our duty
Tsi-di-da-an-ne ne-tay-yah
We are know by that
Ay be nihe hozeen
United States Marines
Washindon be Akalh Bi-kosi-la
To be one is a great thing
Ji-lengo ba-hozhon
Our flag waves
Ni-he da-na-ah-taj ihla
From dawn to setting sun
Yel khol-go e-e-ah
We have fought every place
Day-ne tal-al-tso go enta-she-jah
where we could take a gun
Tal-tso-go entas-se-pah
From northern lands
Ha-kaz dineh-ih be-hay-jah
To southern tropic scenes
Ado ta aokhek-ash-shen
We are known to be tireless
Do ni-din-da-hi ol-yeh
The United States Marines
Washindon be Akalh-bi Khos
May we live in peace hereafter
Hozo-go nay-yeltay to
We have conquered all our foes
A-na-oh bi-keh de-dlihn
No force in the world we cannot
Ni-hi-keh di-dlini ta-etin conquer
We know of no fear
Yeh-wol-ye hi-he a-din
If the Army and the Navy
Sila-go-tsoi do chah-lakai
Ever look on Heaven's scenes
Ya-ansh-go das dez e e
United States Marines will be
Washindon be Akalh-bi Kosi la
there Living in peace